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How Meditation & Yoga Help Addiction Recovery

Guest Blogger

Written by Guest Blogger, Jullietthe Santa Maria, Outreach Specialist at The Recovery Village in Columbus, OH

This blog post comes from guest blogger, Jullietthe Santa Maria, outreach specialist at The Recovery Village in Columbus, Ohio. It illustrates how yoga and meditation can help to curb addictive impulses as well as create connection both in and outside of our mind and body- whether we are in recovery officially or personally.


We all know this term and view it with various feelings.

In fact, I bet you can name at least one addiction you have every day at this moment.

Sometimes, we can name these things and smile, laugh, or may also be tempted to try not to think about it. Pretend it doesn’t exist.

As an Outreach specialist, I work with the community to promote health and wellness, developing initiatives and tracking progress, making sure to provide accurate information about mental health and substance abuse.

As a part of our initiatives of spreading awareness, we found Challenge to Change, which promotes the benefits of Yoga, sharing our mission to give support for people who are in need.

Yoga and meditation are two practices that are becoming more accessible than ever. In addition to studios, there are classes offered in gyms and community centers all over the country.

The popularity of both practices is growing at a rapid rate as people learn about their benefits.

This blog post details the benefits of practicing both yoga and meditation while in recovery.

Yoga in Recovery

There are many ways yoga can help someone in recovery.

Yoga is an ancient practice created for everyone, regardless of health condition or ability level, making it accessible to anyone.

It has been proven to encourage better focus and can help those in recovery be less impulsive. It is also a great way to connect with nature, which can help soothe the soul and ease anxiety.

One of the best things about yoga is that there is no wrong way to do it. There are many benefits of yoga, but these are some of the most helpful to those in recovery:

Yoga can help manage stress and anxiety in those who practice it. Because of this, it can also help those in recovery manage cravings for substances that may act as an escape from their feelings. More information on this can be found on the Recovery website based in Columbus, Ohio.

Yoga is also a great way to connect with friends and loved ones who are also in recovery. Having those who support you involved in your practice is a great way to meet others in your situation and feel more connected with people who understand your challenges and triumphs.

Meditation in Recovery

Meditation is a practice of focusing the mind on one thing, such as a word or a breath.

Many types of meditation exist and you can practice them anywhere and at any time.

Meditation has been proven to:

  • reduce stress

  • improve self-awareness

  • promote a feeling of connection with oneself

It's a great way to connect with oneself and quiet the mind from overanalyzing and worrying.

Additionally, meditation can be a great way to get in touch with your feelings and release them without having to perform another action.

This can also help those in recovery be less impulsive, which is especially important during early recovery. Meditation is a great way to connect with yourself and lower your stress levels. This article is a great resource for seeking various types of meditation as well as listing its benefits and connection to recovery.

While some may be skeptical about how beneficial these activities can be for anyone dealing with the pressures of recovery from addiction, research shows that these activities help in a variety of ways from relieving stress to improving self-worth in addicts who practice them regularly.

Each of these practices can help someone in recovery feel more connected to themselves and their needs.

Has yoga or meditation aided someone in your life? Leave a comment below. We love hearing from our community!

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