for more information on the yoga + mindfulness programs we offer visit us at www.challengetochangeinc.com
blogs for
wellness + wellbeing
Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy: Thoughts from a Second Year Yoga in the Schools Teacher
The Benefits of Yoga and Mindfulness in the Classroom
How to Set Up a Calm Corner in the Home or Classroom
How Trauma-Informed Yoga Practices Changed My Perspective on Teaching
Becoming a More Mindful Driver One Mile at a Time
Bringing Yoga and Mindfulness into your Classroom to Increase Well-Being
How I'm Learning to Let Go and Accept Myself Through Yoga
How to Understand Teenagers: Thoughts from a Yoga in the Schools Secondary Instructor
How to Understand Teenagers: Thoughts from a Yoga in the Schools Secondary Instructor
Finding your Normal: How to Embrace Change and Transition
Finding your Normal: How to Embrace Change and Transition
How Yoga Can Help Your Mental Health
How Yoga Can Help Your Mental Health
Peace, Yoga and Books: A Yoga Book Club
Peace, Yoga and Books: A Yoga Book Club
A Powerful Way to Change your Day: The Check-In and The Pause
A Powerful Way to Change your Day: The Check-In and The Pause
How Yoga Saved Me...2 Hours at a Time
How Yoga Saved Me...2 Hours at a Time
How I Got Through My Cancer Scare: Meditation with Meaning Challenge