for more information on the yoga + mindfulness programs we offer visit us at www.challengetochangeinc.com
blogs for
wellness + wellbeing
The Truth About Yoga in Schools: 4 Common Myths I Hear From Students
5 Mindfulness Techniques to Help Overcome Text Anxiety
How Can Mindful Education Benefit Middle and High School Students?
Why Taking Brain Breaks is Essential for Your Productivity and Well-Being
Practicing Presence in Our Busy Classrooms: Tools to Support Mindfulness and Why It’s Vital
How Can Mindfulness Practices Help in Preventing School Shootings?
The Power of Knowing Yourself: How Self-Awareness Benefits Both Kids and Adults
A Mindful Resource Center to Support Teachers, Parents and Families
5 Key Parts for Building a Successful Kids Mindfulness Lesson Plan
Easy Peasy, Lemon Squeezy: Thoughts from a Second Year Yoga in the Schools Teacher
The Benefits of Yoga and Mindfulness in the Classroom
How to Set Up a Calm Corner in the Home or Classroom
How to Prevent Burnout with Kindness: The Importance of Self-Care for Teachers
Bringing Yoga and Mindfulness into your Classroom to Increase Well-Being
How to Understand Teenagers: Thoughts from a Yoga in the Schools Secondary Instructor
How We Can Help Teens Thrive with Self-Regulating Tools
Challenge to Change's Five Parts of Practice for Children: Seated Practice
Celebrate our CEO, Molly Schreiber
Power in the 'Yoga Nap'
Mudras allow students to safely express their emotions